driverParam.bin Tool

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DriverParam.bin Tool
Author: Atlas
Operating Systems: Windows
Programming language: C#
Software Type: Editor
File Formats: driverParam.bin
Current Version: v1.0
Download: Google Drive

driverParam.bin Tool (DPT) is a program developed by Atlas that can easily edit the characters' statistics from Mario Kart Wii's driverParam.bin file.


Open or drag and drop the driverParam.bin file into the program, change the values from the rows for each character and press the save button.


Common Issues

This tool originally supports only dot decimal formatting. If you are using comma instead, you will need to copy (CTRL + C) and paste (CTRL + V) the comma symbol every time you want to use decimals; by using a dot, having comma formatting will result in the program ignoring the decimals and it could corrupt the file after saved.

If you want to set any stat to 0, you must type "0.0" in order for the file to save properly. Unfortunately, it is impossible to set the Mini-Turbo stat to 0 with this editor because the Mini-Turbo entry is an integer and does not accept decimals.

The slots for Dry Bones and Diddy Kong are swapped in the editor; editing Dry Bones will affect Diddy Kong's stats in the game and vice versa.

If you wish to change Mii stats, the Use the Intended Mii Stats code is recommended when playing the game in order for the Mii stat slots to correspond to the editor.

Version History

Version Date of release Information
2016-08-02 Start of development
v1.0 2016-08-06 First release