ItemSlot Editor

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Not to be confused with Item Slot Editor, a program made by MrDark35000vr.
WARNING — Online unsafe
Hacks created by this program may give the player an unfair advantage, so you should not use them on online Worldwides or Regionals, else you might get banned.
ItemSlot Editor
Author: Atlas
Operating system: Windows
Programming language: C#
Software type: Editor
File formats: ItemSlot.bin, ItemSlotTable.slt
Version: v1.0
Date of latest version: 2018-11-28
Download: Google Drive


ItemSlot Editor is a program developed by Atlas. It was made in 2017, but released almost a year later. This allows the modification of Mario Kart Wii's ItemSlot.bin file, from Common.szs, as well as ItemSlotTable.slt.


Open, drag and drop or create a new ItemSlot.bin/ItemSlotTable.slt file from scratch. There are various utilities, such as checking the total value count from position columns (they may not exceed 200), clearing and resetting tables as well as including/excluding battle tables, which are not used in ItemSlotTable.slt.


Preview of the program in use

Version History

Version Date of release Information
v1.0 2018-11-28 First release

Known Bugs

The check column sums feature does not work properly after all values of a column are set to zero.