DS Cheep Cheep Beach Kiosk (Bri)

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This article is about Bri's port. For other versions, see DS Cheep Cheep Beach Kiosk.
DS Cheep Cheep Beach Kiosk
Creator: Bri
Designer: Nintendo
Version: v1.0
Date of latest version: 2024-03-10
Editors used: 3ds Max, Apicula, Blender, Blender MKW Utilities, BrawlCrate, Every File Explorer, KMP Cloud, Lorenzi's KMP Editor, RiiStudio, Wiimms SZS Tools
Scale: 144%
WBZ files: ct.wiimm.de
Download: Google Drive


This is a port created by Bri.


Version History

Version Date of release Information
v1.0 2024-03-10 First release

Custom Track Distributions

This track is part of the following Custom Track Distributions:

By the same author: Bri


Battle Arenas:



Mario Kart Mix