Wiimmfi/Online Status

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Online Status is a concept of Wiimmfi designed for Mario Kart Wii. It shows the online status of a player and is implemented as bit field (each bit has its own meaning). The Online Status is calculated by server GPCM based on status and locstring sent by the Wii.

The online status is designed and only usable for Mario Kart Wii. The relevance for all other games is unknown.

Bit meanings

char description
0 0x0001 o player is online,
1 0x0002 P Private room.
2 0x0004 G Global race or battle (either continental or world wide).
3 0x0008 c continental (regional) race or battle.
4 0x0010 w world wide race or battle.
5 0x0020 A Active, either race or battle.
6 0x0040 R playing a Race or waiting for it.
7 0x0080 B playing a Battle or waiting for it.
8 0x0100 h player is host.
9 0x0200 g player is guest.
10 0x0400 v player is viewer.
12 0x1000 S player is Searching a global room.
13 0x2000 C player is Connecting to a room.