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Discord Server: ZPL's Hideout
Twitch: ZPL__
Youtube: ZPL

In the vast expanse of cyberspace, where ideas freely roam, A concept reigns, both feared and revered, known as the ratio's home. It dwells amidst the tweets and posts, in forums far and wide, Where users gather, opinions clash, and truths begin to hide.

Oh, ratio! Thou art a beast of legend, feared by many souls, For with a single click of "reply," a reputation quickly rolls. 'Tis not the likes nor follows gained that measure one's online might, But rather, how one fares against the dreaded ratio's bite.

In threads where arguments ignite, and tempers swiftly flare, The ratio lurks, a silent judge, its presence felt with care. For every statement bold and brash, there lies a consequence, As the ratio tallies likes and retweets, revealing true significance.

Yet, in this digital domain, where voices often drown, The ratio serves as a beacon, guiding truth to higher ground. It sifts through noise and nonsense, discerning signal from the fray, A measure of consensus, in the tumult of the day.

But beware, oh digital denizen, for the ratio's gaze is keen, It judges not by popularity, but by the substance seen. For hollow words and empty claims, will surely meet their fate, As the ratio's merciless decree seals their ignoble state.

So let us heed the lesson taught by this digital decree, That in the realm of cyberspace, truth holds the highest key. For though the ratio may intimidate, it also holds the power, To elevate discourse, enlighten minds, and make the internet our tower.

By the same author: ZPL
