RKC (File Format)

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RKC Files are files found in the wc24dl.vff, only seen in Mario Kart Wii yet. They contain data about competitions and the new KMP file.

Known editors:

  • None


RKC Files contain multiple other file identifiers. They seem to be always the same. This article describes the Mario Kart Wii RKC format


The RKC Files contain multiple headers, they are all explained at this contents.


The RKCT, or main header, is 0x0F in length.

Offset Type Description
0x00 char[4] 'RKCT' in ASCII; File identifier
0x04 int Length of the data in bytes.
0x08 short Unknown.
0x0A short Length of all file headers. (offset to the beginning of the Yaz0 file)
0x0C int Unknown.


The RKCO Header contains all information for the competition. Stuff like course id, CommonObj that gets loaded and other information. This part is still not very good decoded yet though. This header is 0x3C in length

Offset Type Description
0x00 char[4] 'RKCO' in ASCII; File identifier
0x04 short What kind?. Unsure
0x06 byte Course ID
0x07 byte Unknown.
0x08 byte Amount of laps (laps, so triggered with checkpoints, not scores)
0x0B byte vehicle restriction (00:karts only, 01: bikes only, 02: no restriction)
0x0C short Unknown.
0x0E byte CommonObj - 1 Wrong
0x0F byte CommonObj settings Unsure
0x10 short[8] Competition settings


This is the part of a RKC file that contains the actual data. It only contains a Yaz0 compression of a kmp file and some files that aren't on the disc already.

The kmp file of the competition have some interesting things: Not all sections are included (no VS race : no cpu/item routes) The MSPT section is included (stop point) The STGI is different (it's used to set what things have to be loaded and some more)

Replacing and ripping RKC files

NOTE: RSF Files are a way of khacker35000vr to name unknown data groups. He thinks some info is stored in it, but Vulcanus2 has done successive tests without them. Maybe is this data intentionally included by Nintendo to confuse hackers to crack the format. Replacing and ripping takes some time to be done and is not very easy. Currently kHacker35000vr is planning to make an application for this after all data is found out. RCF files are also called, they are just the main settings that are for every competition the same and they are just to add after the RKC file if it's bigger than previous RKC file. *Not needed*


  • Search the RKC file in the VFF File. In most RKC file there's already needed data added but not in all of them.
  • Copy and paste (overwrite old data) the data of your custom RKC file at the good offset
  • (optional, only when using RSF file) Copy and paste (overwrite old data) the data from the RSF file.
  • If there are still some settings left change them to 00's, If there are no 00 lines anymore after your file your file is too big, be aware of this.


  • Use riivolution along with the savegame xml when a competition is in progress
  • Open the wc24dl.vff with any hex editor and search for RKC
  • Check the size and copy that amount of bytes to a new file (RKC)
  • (optional, only for replacing after) Copy all data after the selection untill the 00's to a new file and save it as a RSF File (RKC settings file). Some RKC files already contain this as described above.


  • Custom competitions isnt a very popular thing, only Vulcanus2 succesfully made a custom competition and probably only a few others have played it.
  • all downloaded contents for MKWii are saved in wc24dl.
  • Its not sure if wc24dl.vff is a distributable file.