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ChisSilver64 or Chis64
Avatar: ChisSilver64's Avatar.png
YouTube: Chis64
Twitter: ChisSilver
Discord: Chis64#8597
Twitch: ChisSilver64

Hello Everyone, my name is Chis. I am a fun lad from Canada. I am a creator, author, broadcaster, and videogamer. I started back in 2009/2010 with MKWii and got into CTGP around 2011. By the time I started modding was maybe 2017 2018 and decided to create tracks. The first one I did was Mini Arena, The model was already created and free use and I credited the model creator and created his track with my twist. Around 2017/2018, A viewer suggested I create a Distribution pack, started as 32 tracks, and now evolved to over 80+ and growing. Chis Kart Wii is in its V2 stage but now its link is discontinued due to its redo for removing some textures and redoing some others. Its own Wiiki page could change but only if someone wanted to help out. Always open for collabs, or even if you wanted me to review and play your track designs. Always helpful, sometimes kind but to those who deserve it.