Twisty Meadows

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Twisty Meadows
Author: Mark MK
Version: v1.1
Date of latest version: 2024-07-12
Editors used: BrawlBox, CTools, KMP Cloud, SketchUp, Wiimms SZS Tools
WBZ files:
Download: Google Drive


Twisty Meadows is a custom track created by Mark MK. It consists of multiple 90° turns, a ramp, a boost panel, and two cannons. This is themed around Moo Moo Meadows.


v1.0 VS Race (Dolphin)

Version History

Version Date of release Information
v1.0 2020-08-24 First release
v1.1 2024-07-12 Update by Toadette Hack Fan:
  • Fixed blackscreen on console.

Custom Track Distributions

This track is part of the following Custom Track Distributions:

  • (none)

Names in Other Languages

Dutch: Kronkelige Weiden
French: -
German: -
Italian: Pianure Contorte
Japanese: -
Korean: -
Portuguese: -
Russian: -
Spanish: Pradera Retorcida
Greek: -
Polish: -
Finnish: -
Swedish: -
Czech: -
Danish: -
By the same author: Mark MK

Custom Tracks:
Mark's Circle TrackTwisty Meadows