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Avatar: Stunky's Profile Picture.jpg
Twitter TomStunky
Discord (Main): nighty_umbreon
Discord (Old): Stunky
Steam: TomStunky
MKW: 1938-7524-0733
Wii-Homebrew: Tyrant
Twitch: xStunky

Who Am I?

Hi! I'm Stunky!

Historically (and I mean historically) I was known as LAB Peppy, Tyrant and a few other names.

Currently I'm a Wiimmfi Moderator and a member of the CTGP-R Track Testers. I'm also a former Caster, League Admin and Site Administrator for MarioKartBoards, a Moderator in a few Discord servers surrounding the community, and creator of the "Tom Is Mad" meme from an old clan war.

I work full time nowadays (I touch grass!) however still spend time working on little creative pieces, and am hoping to get a few more Custom Tracks released eventually. Most of what you've seen of my work will be a few tracks in Custom Track Jams, and a lot of banners and graphics within other people's tracks.

I look forward to talking, playing and creating more for everyone!

What have I made (Published)

Name Type Description Other Credits
Purple to White (Font) Custom Font My first font edit, different purples become white. None
How Did We Get Here? Custom Track Twilight Custom Track Jam, last place. None
Factory Paradise Custom Track First project learning how to make a Custom Track. Ugotowned35000vr (Co-creator)
Wake Me Up When September Ends Custom Track Custom Track Jam entry, 13th place. None

Other Credits

The following are things I've helped to do on projects for other people. Some of these works have taken a significant amount of time to work on, or have become memes for a short while, e.g. Wario Odorant. Some of these works have also made it to other Custom Track Distributions. Sometimes thanking me for "Some textures" sounds like I've only spent a few minutes making two or three graphics, so this is a more detailed table.

Most texture edits done by myself use Adobe Photoshop CC 2014, a Huion Inspiroy (Graphics Tablet), Apophysis (Fractals) and a few other tools.

Name Work Done
Aquadrom Stage Banners for most shops, some poster graphics.
N64 Wario Stadium (zilly) Start line banner, 6 Wario themed banners (e.g. Wario Odorant)
Sundown Streets Original track banner, bus stop graphics, texture edits (e.g. lights on for house graphics).
Twilight Highway "Midnight Park" banner and square graphic
Urban Gallery Banners for stores (14 banners), reversing and manipulation of some other textures.
White Garden Banners for "Nuzzle Crew", "Waluigi's Motocross", "Riidefi's Bakery", "Waluigi's Despacito", "Zodicon 2018", "Puro" and "Gimme The Game"

By the same author: Stunky