Steampunk Junction

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Steampunk Junction
Author: ISwearChris
Version: v1.0
Date of latest version: 2024-07-26
Editors used: ANoob's BRRES Material Tool, Blender, BrawlBox, CTools, GIMP, Lorenzi's KMP Editor, Post-Effect Editor, RiiStudio
Download: Dropbox


Steampunk Junction is a custom track created by ISwearChris. It was created for the 74th edition of the Custom Track Jam competition series, where it placed fourth. The track makes use of a modified and rotated DS Delfino Square drawbridge and combines elements of Toad's Factory and DS Delfino Square.


v1.0 Time Trial (Dolphin)

Version History

Version Date of release Information
v1.0 2024-07-26 First release

Custom Track Distributions

This track is part of the following Custom Track Distributions:

  • (none)

Names in Other Languages

Dutch: Steampunk-Kruising
French: -
German: -
Italian: Interscambio Steampunk
Japanese: スチームパンクジャンクション
Korean: -
Portuguese: -
Russian: -
Spanish: -
Greek: -
Polish: -
Finnish: -
Swedish: -
Czech: -
Danish: -