Speeder Bike

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Speeder Bike
Creator: TwoFacedAssassin
Designer: George Lucas
Version: v1.0
Date of latest version: 2022-08-02
Editors used: Aseprite, Blender, BrawlBox
Download: Google Drive


The Speeder Bike is a bike from the Star Wars franchise.[1] It was made into a custom vehicle by TwoFacedAssassin, where it replaces the Mach Bike.



Version History

Version Date of release Information
v1.0 2022-08-02 First release


By the same author: TwoFacedAssassin

Custom Vehicles:
Fox BikeHorse Bike "Epona"Speeder BikeLandspeeder

Custom Characters:
StarlowThe Two Faced AssassinCatNoriBanduQuagsire