SNES Rainbow Road (DasFragezeichen & Tock)

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This article is about DasFragezeichen and Tock's remake. For other versions, see SNES Rainbow Road.
SNES Rainbow Road
Creator: DasFragezeichen, Tock
Designer: Nintendo, DasFragezeichen, Tock
Version: v2.1
Date of latest version: 2013-10-01
Editors used:
WBZ files:
Download: Icedrive


This is a remake created by DasFragezeichen and Tock. It is scaled to match the SNES version and features nearly identical texture mapping. Since v2.0, the track features coins as decoration (castleflower1) and Nyan Cat is referenced in the background (skyship).

Model DasFragezeichen, Tock
Texture mapping Tock
KMP Tock
KCL Tock


v2.0 VS Race
RC1 VS Race

Version History

Version Date of release Information
RC1 2011-09-30 First release 2011-09-30
  • Improved enemy routes.
  • Added a few more moving item boxes and improved their route.
  • Added more AREAs and cameras.
v1.0 2012-01-08 Fixed Position Jump Bug.
v2.0 2013-03-03 3D update.
v2.1 2013-10-01 Removed Tac Nayn to fix an unusual freeze.

Custom Track Distributions

This track is part of the following Custom Track Distributions: