RARC (File Format)
RARC files are archive files used in some Wii and GameCube games, such as Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2. The directories is always stored inside a root node. Compared to U8, this root node is always named.
File Format
The file starts with a header that is 0x20 bytes long:
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | String | File magic. Always RARC in ASCII. |
0x04 | UInt32 | Length of the file in bytes. |
0x08 | UInt32 | Length of this header in bytes. Always 0x20. |
0x0C | UInt32 | Offset to the file data. Relative to the end of this header. |
0x10 | UInt32 | Length of the file data. |
0x14 | UInt32 | Length of the file data again? Always the same as the previous value. |
0x18 | UInt32 | Unknown. Seems to always be 0. |
0x1C | UInt32 | Unknown. Seems to always be 0. |
Info Block
Directly after the header comes the info block. It is a 0x20 bytes structure as follows:
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | UInt32 | Number of nodes. |
0x04 | UInt32 | Offset to the first node. Relative to the start of this block. |
0x08 | UInt32 | The total number of directories including all entries. |
0x0C | UInt32 | Offset to the first directory. Relative to the start of this block. |
0x10 | UInt32 | Length of the whole string table. |
0x14 | UInt32 | Offset to string table. Relative to the start of this block. |
0x18 | UInt16 | The number of directories that are files. |
0x1A | UInt16 | Unknown. Seems to always be 0. |
0x1C | UInt32 | Unknown. Seems to always be 0. |
A node represents a folder. There is a root folder which links to other files and folders. Each node is a 0x10 bytes structure.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | String | Some kind of identifier. The root has ROOT, other nodes have their first 4 characters of the name in upper case. If the length of the node's name is less than 4, then the rest of this string is padded with spaces. |
0x04 | UInt32 | Offset to a string into the string table. Relative to the start of the string table. |
0x08 | UInt16 | Hash of the string. |
0x0A | UInt16 | Number of directories in this folder. |
0x0C | UInt32 | The index of the first directory. |
A directory can either be a file or a folder. If it's a folder, then it refers to a node. Each entry is a 0x14 bytes structure.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | UInt16 | Index of this directory. 0xFFFF if it's a folder. |
0x02 | UInt16 | Hash of the string. |
0x04 | UInt16 | Type? Always 0x200 for folders and 0x1100 for files. |
0x06 | UInt16 | Offset to a string into the string table. Relative to the start of the string table. |
0x08 | UInt32 | File: Offset to file data. Folder: Index of the node that represente this folder. |
0x0C | UInt32 | Length of the file data in bytes. Unused if this is a folder. |
0x10 | UInt32 | Unknown. Seems to always be 0. |
String Table
The string table consist of null-termined strings. The offset and length of this string table is stored in the info block.
In all directory and node there is a hash of the name stored. To calculate the hash you need to loop through each character. Start with the hash as 0. For each character you multiply the hash by 3 and then add the character's value to the hash.
C# Example
public static UInt16 CalculateHash(string Name) { UInt16 Hash = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Name.Length; i++) { Hash *= 3; Hash += Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(new char[1] { Name[i] })[0]; } return Hash; }
The following tools can handle RARC files:
- ARCTool, by Tpw_rules
- Every File Explorer, by Gericom (not editable)
- Wiimms SZS Tools, by Wiimm
- Wexos's Toolbox, by Wexos