Purple FK on Flame Runner (Funky Kong Texture)

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Purple FK on Flame Runner
Author: Clamsplayz
Version: v1.0
Date of latest version: 2024-05-26
Editors used: BrawlCrate, Photopea


Purple FK on Flame Runner is a character texture of Funky Kong on the Flame Runner created by Clamsplayz. It simply replaces Funky Kong's textures to purple and black. The character includes a version to work with CTGP Revolution's menu, minimap and menu icons, a custom bike texture, and a LOD model.


Version History

Version Date of release Information
v1.0 2024-05-26 First release
By the same author: Clamsplayz

Custom Tracks:
Wild Wood RacewayToxicant Trail

CT Jam Tracks
Picnic ParkLost TempleObama Election

Turbo Hide and Seek Pack

Custom Character Textures
Blue YoshiPurple FK on Flame Runner