Offensive Cat

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Offensive Cat
Author: Citrus
Version: v1.1
Date of latest version: 2024-09-15
Editors used:
Download: Google Drive


Offensive Cat is a custom character created by Citrus. It goes over Wario on the Flame Runner. This makes use of Wario's eye animations to display a thumbs up most of the time, and a middle finger when something bad happens. The character is based on a video that the author often uses with his friends:


  • Rex, for the idea.
  • Whipinsnapper, for helping to figure out how to use the eye animations.


Version History

Version Date of release Information
v1.0 2024-09-11 First release
v1.1 2024-09-15 Update by Rex and Citrus:
  • Decreased file size.
  • Added an LOD model.