Golde Briggs

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Golde Briggs
Creator: SuperOnion64
Designer: SEGA, ALE XD
Version: v1.0
Date of latest version: 2024-05-04
Editors used: Blender, BrawlCrate, Paint.NET
Download: MediaFire


Golde Briggs is a custom character created by SuperOnion64. It is the main original character created by Golde Briggs, in which it was created for his 18th birthday. He goes over Yoshi on the Mach Bike.



BrawlCrate preview of the character

Version History

Version Date of release Information
v1.0 2024-05-04 First release
By the same author: SuperOnion64

Custom Track Distributions:
Onion's Hide and Seek PackKaizo Kart Wii

Texture Track Distributions:
Onion Kart Wii

Texture Hacks:
Onion CityOnion CircuitBlack MeadowsButter BuildingXbox TowersCN CityGrimace Shake PierChuck E. Cheese Castle

Custom Characters:
Golde BriggsKing Koopa (texture)Super Show ToadMastori Kong

Other people's mods that I made updates to:
Miyuki HoshizoraDon-chanAiAiKing Koopa (edit)Madoka Kaname