GBA Luigi Circuit 3 (SNES Mario Circuit 3 Texture)

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Important Information

WARNING — Online unsafe

Version 1.0 of this hack may give the player an unfair advantage, so you should not use it on online Worldwides or Regionals, else you might get banned.
These have been marked as such for the following reason:

  • Flipped pole position.
This article is about the texture hack. For the retro track, see GBA Luigi Circuit.
Not to be confused with SNES Luigi Circuit 3 (SNES Mario Circuit 3 Texture), another texture hack of the same track with a similar name and theme created by Yoshidude4.
GBA Luigi Circuit 3
Author: Mystora
Version: v1.0-hotfix
Date of latest version: 2024-03-06
Editors used: BrawlCrate
WBZ files:
Download: Icedrive


GBA Luigi Circuit 3 is a texture hack of SNES Mario Circuit 3 created by Mystora. It is based on GBA Luigi Circuit, adding trees, a blimp and a rain effect (EnvFire).




Version History

Version Date of release Information
v1.0 2021-06-20 First release
v1.0-hotfix 2024-03-06 Update by KantoEpic:
  • Fixed pole position.
  • Fixed rain texture for the rain cloud object (oilSFC).

Texture Hack Distributions

This track is part of the following Texture Hack Distributions:

Names in Other Languages

Dutch: GBA Luigi's Circuit 3
French: GBA Circuit Luigi 3
German: GBA Luigis Piste 3
Italian: GBA Circuito di Luigi 3
Japanese: GBA ルイージサーキット3
Korean: GBA 루이지 서킷 3
Portuguese: GBA Circuito do Luigi 3
Russian: GBA Трасса Луиджи 3
Spanish: GBA Circuito de Luigi 3
Greek: GBA Πίστα του Λουίτζι 3
Polish: GBA Trasa Luigiego 3
Finnish: GBA Luiginmutka 3
Swedish: GBA Luigis Bana 3
Czech: GBA Luigiho Okruh 3
Danish: GBA Luigis Bane 3
By the same author: Mystora

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