Daisy Circuit R (Daisy Circuit Edit) (Rex)

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Important Information

WARNING — Online unsafe

This hack may give the player an unfair advantage, so you should not use it on online Worldwides or Regionals, else you might get banned.

This article is about Rex's version. For other versions, see Daisy Circuit R (Daisy Circuit Edit).
Daisy Circuit R
Author: Rex
Version: v1.0
Date of latest version: 2024-04-18
Editors used: Blender, Blender MKW Utilities, KMP Cloud, Lorenzi's KMP Editor, RiiStudio, Wiimms SZS Tools
Download: Google Drive


This is a track edit of Daisy Circuit created by Rex. It reverses the track, as well as makes small changes to the model and object placements. This and Daisy Circuit R/T were made by the author to experiment with reimporting models with RiiStudio, and reversing KMP elements with spreadsheets and Wiimms SZS Tools.



Version History

Version Date of release Information
v1.0 2024-04-18 First release

Custom Track Distributions

This track is part of the following Custom Track Distributions:

  • (none)