Castle of Fates

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Castle of Fates
Author: Marianne8559
Version: Alpha
Date of latest version: 2024-08-20
Editors used: Blender, BrawlCrate, RiiStudio
Download: Dropbox


Castle of Fates is Marianne8559's 21st and final custom track. It is inspired by Resistance to Fate and Castle of Time. The racer is shot three times in different directions by invisible cannons before being returned to the start of the track by another invisible cannon.



Currently no media

Version History

Version Date of release Information
Alpha 2024-08-20 First release

Custom Track Distributions

This track is part of the following Custom Track Distributions:

  • (none)

Names in Other Languages

Dutch: Kasteel der Geloof
French: -
German: -
Italian: Castello delle Provvidenze
Japanese: フェイトキャッスル
Korean: -
Portuguese: -
Russian: -
Spanish: -
Greek: -
Polish: -
Finnish: -
Swedish: -
Czech: -
Danish: -


The author stopped making new custom tracks due to him causing drama in a few Discord servers shortly before making this track, although he will continue making track updates.