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Youtube: | Ꮸ |
Hello, my name is Caron. I make Custom tracks when I want to do.
About me
I've been an active (or "was", I guess) member of the mod community since I bought the game in early 2011. In the beginning, I wasn't creating custom tracks like I do now, I was using cheat codes to play(How stupid I was!). I used to analyze the data and make my own codes, but after I learned about CTGP, I wanted to create my own courses, so I started to focus on creating custom tracks and other custom items. I don't know if I'll ever be able to make custom tracks again, but I will update this page when I have time.
About my custom track
This may be contrary to the image you may have of a custom track, but my tracks are not created for anyone's enjoyment, but for my own "self-expression". From the beginning, I have not focused on the drivability of the track, but have concentrated on the design, and have enjoyed the process of creating the track as "what I envisioned". As a result, I often fail at making tracks, and the ones I have managed to make by accident include Sky Beach(≥v1.0) and Underground Sky. Neon Dimension, in particular, was a miracle and the most satisfying for me, as I wanted to create a design that had never been done before, so I started from a drawing and worked my way up to completion (sorry it's too hard to run!). Secluded Island is not as good, but I'm happy that I was able to create something modern, easy to run and with a relatively short track.
これはみなさんが思い浮かべるカスタムトラックのイメージに反してるかもしれませんが、私のコースは誰もが楽しんでもらえるように制作はしておらず、私の「自己表現」を形にしたものです。初めからコースの走りやすを重視しておらず、デザインに専念し、とにかく「自分が思い描いたもの」としてその制作プロセスを楽しんでいます。そのため、私はよくコース製作には失敗してますし、偶然うまくできたのがSkyBeachやUnderground Skyなどです。特にNeon Dimensionは今までにないデザインを作りたいという気持ちから、デッサンから初めて完成にまでたどり着くことのできた、奇跡であって自分自身でも一番満足した作品でした(走るのが難しすぎるのはゴメンナサイ)。Secluded Islandはそれには及びませんが、走りやすく、比較的短いコースでながら現代的なものを創れたことに満足しています。
I'm probably one of the worst at communicating with other members of this community. I've talked to many people on Twitter and Discord in the past, but I'm an introverted and sensitive person, so there have been times when I've been late or never replied. I also had trouble figuring out how to reply to even the simplest of messages, so I sometimes made misleading statements. It's not that I don't want to contact you, it's just that I'm not a good communicator. So, please don't ever have a bad image of me. Just think of me as a person who is not good at conversation. I regret that when I was still active I was not aware of my character and that I kept doing so. I've deleted my Twitter account and have Discord, but I forgot my password and have no intention of logging in. If you have anything to tell me, please let me know on talk. I do log in regularly, so I'll try to reply then.
私はコミュニティの中で最も他のメンバーとのコミュニケーションが下手な1人でしょう。過去にTwitterやDiscordで色々な方と話したりしましたが、なにせ内向的で感受性の強いな人間なので、返信が遅れたり、しなかったこともありました。またどう返信すればいいのか、簡単なものでも悩んでしまうので、ときに誤解を招く発言をしたこともありました。決して連絡したくないという気持ちはなく、単にコミュニケーションが下手な人間なだけです。まだ私がアクティブなときは私がその性格に気づけず、そういったことを繰り返してしまっていたことに後悔しています。なので、どうか決して私に悪いイメージを持たないでください。単に会話が下手な人間だとおもってください。 今ではTwitterも消しましたし、Discordももっていますが、パスワードも忘れてログインする気もありません。何か私に伝えることがあれば、トークでお知らせください。ログインは定期的にしているので、そのときに返信しようと思います。
Custom Tracks
Feel free to update my track except Neon Dimension.
Name | Version | Information / About update |
3DS Wuhu Loop | Alpha | Ported from Wii Fit. No update scheduled. |
GCN Rainbow Road | v1.3 | No update scheduled. |
Green Park | v2.8b | No update scheduled. |
Neon Dimension | v0.1 hotfix | My 4th original track. Inspired by this video. |
Neon Loop | v1.0 | My 5th original track. Based on Neon Dimension. I made this track in 8 hours. |
Secluded Island | v1.01 | My 6th original track. Inspired by Super Sky Courtyard. |
Sky Beach | v2.0 | |
Subspace Factory | v1.3 | |
Underground Sky (Remake) | v1.5 | Based on RC4. No update scheduled. |
Lava Road | Remade track, but not started yet. |
Name | Version | Information / About update |
K2X Converter | v0.1 | Converts between KMP and Excel (.xlsx) files. |
Pykmp | in progress | I'm creating this as part of my programming studies. It can read and manipulate kmp/xlsx files. |
Other (for Japanese)
Custom Tracks:
GCN Rainbow Road –
Green Park –
Neon Dimension –
Neon Loop –
Secluded Island –
Sky Beach –
Subspace Factory
Underground Sky
Texture Hacks:
8-Bit Mario Circuit –
Dark Mario/Luigi Circuit –
Deep Woods –
Galaxy Road –
Grass Falls –
Murky Swamp –
N64 Mario Raceway HD –
Purple Bowser Castle
Shadow Bowser Castle –
Space Ice Land –
Subspace Road
Custom Font:
Crazy Funky –
Blue Ruin Labyrinth –
Dark Blue Speedway –
Dark Mushroom Peaks
Youtube: Ꮸ