BRLYT (File Format)
BRLYT files (Binary Revolution LaYouT) are the files used as layout in the Wii system. They manage how the UI TPL images show in the game, with specified flags such as material settings, colors, positions, size, rotations and more. BRLYT files are used with BRLAN animations, BRFNT fonts and also with BRCTR files in Mario Kart Wii. They are always found into blyt folders into U8 files.
File Format
The file starts with a header that is 0x10 bytes long:
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | String | File magic. Always RLYT in ASCII. |
0x04 | UInt16 | Byte order mark (BOM): The value is always 0xFEFF. If value 0xFFFE is read, then the false endian is used. Mario Kart Wii uses nearly always big endian (bytes 0xFE,0xFF). |
0x06 | UInt16 | Version number of the file format. Only seen as 00 0A. |
0x08 | UInt32 | Length of the file in bytes. |
0x0C | UInt16 | Length of this header in bytes. |
0x0E | UInt16 | Number of sections. |
0x10 | End of file header |
After the header follows the sections. BRLYT files constist of many different sections. The section can be identified by checking the first four bytes; it is a magic that identifies the section.
Section Header
Every section starts with the same header
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | UInt32 | Section magic. |
0x04 | UInt32 | Section size. |
The lyt1 sections comes directly after the header and defines the main layout.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Section Header | Header. (Magic lyt1) |
0x08 | Byte | Is Centered. |
0x09 | Byte[3] | Padding. |
0x0C | Float | Width of the layout. |
0x10 | Float | Height of the layout. |
The usd1 section stores user data info defined by the user. The section occurs when a pane has user data stored and then it comes after that section. The section starts with a header as follows:
Offset | Type | Information |
0x00 | Section Header | Header. (Magic usd1) |
0x08 | UInt16 | Number of user data entries. |
0x0A | UInt16 | Padding. |
- Entries
An entry can store a string, multiple Int32s or multiple floats. All these entries comes after the header, and then the actual data is stored. Each entry is a structure as follows:
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | UInt32 | Name offset. Points to a null-termined string which is the name of this entry. Relative to the start of this entry. |
0x04 | UInt32 | Data offset. Points to the data of this entry. Relative to the start of this entry. |
0x08 | UInt16 | Number of entries or length if the string if the data is a string. |
0x0A | Byte | Type. 0 = String, 1 = Int32, 2 = Float |
0x0B | Byte | Padding. |
These sections contains info about resources. They are always specified after the lyt section in the order as follows. If a section is not needed (it doesn't contain any entries), then the section is not written to the file.
The txl1 sections stores TPL filenames. The section starts with a header:
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Section Header | Header. (Magic txl1) |
0x08 | UInt16 | Number of TPL filenames. |
0x0A | UInt16 | Padding. |
After this section header comes the offsets to the strings. Each entry has the following structure.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | UInt32 | Offset to a TPL filename which is stored as a null-termined string. Relative to the start of the txl1 section. |
0x04 | UInt32 | Padding. |
The mat1 section holds data about materials used in the layout. The section starts with a header:
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Section Header | Header. (Magic mat1) |
0x08 | UInt16 | N= Number of materials. |
0x0A | UInt16 | Padding; |
0x0C | UInt32[N] | Offsets to the materials. Relative to the start of this section. |
Each material is the following structure:
Offset | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x00 | Char[20] | Material name. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x14 | Int16[4] | Fore Color in RGBA format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x1C | Int16[4] | Back Color in RGBA format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x24 | Int16[4] | Color Register 3 in RGBA format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x2C | Byte[4] | TEV Color 1 in RGBA format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x30 | Byte[4] | TEV Color 2 in RGBA format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x34 | Byte[4] | TEV Color 3 in RGBA format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x38 | Byte[4] | TEV Color 4 in RGBA format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0x3C | UInt32 | Bitfield for material structures. After this field, the structures defined in the bitfield are defined.
Alpha Comparison
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Byte | Compare conditions. AAAA BBBB
A = Condition 1 |
0x01 | Byte | Operation. |
0x02 | Byte | Value to operate on for condition 0. |
0x03 | Byte | Value to operate on for condition 1. |
Below are the possible comparisons on the values.
Type | Description |
0x00 | Never pass. |
0x01 | Alpha < Value. |
0x02 | Alpha <= Value. |
0x03 | Alpha == Value. |
0x04 | Alpha != Value. |
0x05 | Alpha >= Value. |
0x06 | Alpha > Value. |
0x07 | Always pass. |
Below are the possible operations on the comparisons.
Type | Description |
0x00 | AND. |
0x01 | OR. |
0x02 | XOR. |
0x03 | NOR. |
Channel Control
Both sources are indices into the material table.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Byte | Color material source. |
0x01 | Byte | Alpha material source. |
0x02 | UInt16 | Padding. |
Indirect Texture SRT
There can only be a total of three indirect texture SRTs (Scale, Rotation, Translation).
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Float[2] | Translation. |
0x08 | Float | Rotation. |
0x0C | Float[2] | Scale. |
Indirect Stage
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Byte | Texture coordinate index. |
0x01 | Byte | Texture map index. |
0x02 | Byte | Wrap S. |
0x03 | Byte | Wrap T. |
The fnl1 section is a list of fonts.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Section Header | Header. (Magic fnl1) |
0x08 | UInt16 | N = Number of fonts. |
0x0A | UInt16 | Padding. |
After this section header comes the offsets to the strings. Each entry has the following structure.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | UInt32 | Offset to a font filename which is stored as a null-termined string. Relative to the start of the fnl1 section. |
0x04 | UInt32 | Padding. |
The pan1 section contains information about a null pane. All panes should children to a null pane. In Mario Kart Wii this pane is always called "RootPane". The null doesn't show up in game, but it can be animated so that all children to it are also animated. All other panes uses the same structure, but after this more data comes. The section has the following structure:
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Section Header | Header. (Base Magic pan1) |
0x08 | Byte | Flag (0x1 = Visible, 0x2 = Influenced Alpha, 0x4 = Is Widescreen). |
0x09 | Byte | Origin type. |
0x0A | Byte | Alpha. |
0x0B | Byte | Padding. |
0x0C | Char[16] | Pane name. |
0x1C | Char[8] | User information, stored as a string. |
0x24 | Float[3] | Translation. |
0x30 | Float[3] | Rotation. |
0x3C | Float[2] | Scale. |
0x44 | Float | Width of the pane. |
0x48 | Float | Height of the pane. |
The pas1 section is used as start of pane children data, after this section other panes can be defined as children. pae1 ends it.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | String | Section magic. Always pas1 in ASCII. |
0x04 | UInt32 | Section size. |
The pae1 section is used to end pane children. pas1 starts it.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | String | Section magic. Always pae1 in ASCII. |
0x04 | UInt32 | Section size. |
The pic1 section defines a simple image pane. This extends from the normal panel structure.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | pan1 | Base pane structure. |
0x4C | Byte[4][4] | Vertex colors of the pane in RGBA format. |
0x5C | UInt16 | Material index. |
0x5E | Byte | Number of UV sets. |
0x5F | Byte | Padding |
After that the UV sets are specified.
The bnd1 section specifies a boundary pane. Its purpose is to delimit the cursor interaction with buttons and the structure is the same as a pan1 pane.
The txt1 section contains information about a textbox pane. It also stores the text but in Mario Kart Wii it's useless because the text is loaded from a BMG file instead. This extends from the normal panel structure.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | pan1 | Base pane structure. |
0x4C | UInt16 | String size. |
0x4E | UInt16 | Maximum string size. |
0x50 | UInt16 | Material index. |
0x52 | UInt16 | Font index. |
0x54 | Byte | String origin. |
0x55 | Byte | Line alignment.
0 = Not specified |
0x56 | UInt16 | Padding. |
0x58 | UInt32 | T = Text offset. Relative to the start of this section. |
0x5C | Byte[4] | Top color in RGBA format. |
0x60 | Byte[4] | Bottom color in RGBA format. |
0x64 | Float | Font Size X. |
0x68 | Float | Font Size Y. |
0x6C | Float | Character size. |
0x70 | Float | Line size. |
T | String | Null-termined string of the text in UTF-16. |
The wnd1 describes a window pane. A window pane is a more advanced image pane, because windows can represent multiple materials. This extends from the normal panel structure.
Window Content
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | pan1 | Base pane structure. |
0x4C | Float | Coordinate 1. |
0x50 | Float | Coordinate 2. |
0x54 | Float | Coordinate 3. |
0x58 | Float | Coordinate 4. |
0x5C | Byte | Number of frames. |
0x5D | Byte | Flag. |
0x5E | UInt16 | Padding. |
0x60 | UInt32 | Offset to window content. |
0x64 | UInt32 | Window frame offsets offset. Points to offsets which points to the window materials. Relative to the start of this section. |
0x68 | Byte[4][4] | Vertex color in RGBA format. |
0x78 | UInt16 | Material index. |
0x7A | Byte | Number of UV sets. |
0x7B | Byte | Padding. |
After that the UV sets are specified.
Window Frames
After all of the window contents are identified, the window frames for materials are specified.
- Window Frame
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | UInt16 | Material index. |
0x02 | Byte | Flip Type. |
0x03 | Byte | Padding. |
Below is a table of possible material flip types.
Type | Description |
0 | None |
1 | Flip (Horizontal) |
2 | Flip (Vertical) |
3 | Rotate 90 Degrees |
4 | Rotate 180 Degrees |
5 | Rotate 270 Degrees |
The grp1 section defines a group.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Section Header | Header. (Magic grp1) |
0x08 | Char[16] | Group name. |
0x18 | UInt16 | N = Number of entries. |
0x1A | UInt16 | Padding. |
0x1C | Char[N][16] | An array of entries in this group. |
The grs1 section defines a group of groups. gre1 ends the group of groups.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Section Header | Header. (Magic grs1) |
The gre1 section ends a group of groups. grs1 starts the group of groups.
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Section Header | Header. (Magic gre1) |
Common data structures
UV coordinate set
Specifies the UV coordinates for an image. Each entry is a 0x20 byte structure as follows:
Offset | Type | Description |
0x00 | Float[2] | Top left U and V coordinate. |
0x08 | Float[2] | Top right U and V coordinate. |
0x10 | Float[2] | Bottom left U and V coordinate. |
0x18 | Float[2] | Bottom right U and V coordinate. |
The following tools can handle BRLYT files:
- Benzin, by SquidMan, comex, megazig, and Yossi (converts BRLYT to XML and viceversa)
- Wii Layout Editor, by Gericom
- Wexos's Toolbox, by Wexos
- Switch Toolbox, by KillzXGaming