LE-CODE/Distribution FAQ

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This is a special help page for creators of custom track distributions. It explains how to edit your distribution to use the extensions provided by LE-CODE. It is an addition for the general LE-CODE Distribution Tutorial.

A Track FAQ exists too.

Common Files

LE-CODE supports private versions of different files of Common.szs. To keep all track related files together, track authors are advised to place those files into the sub-directory ./Common/ of the track's SZS. See »LE-CODE/Track« for details.

Template:LE-CODE common files

Extracting the Common files

The game loads the common files before it loads the track's SZS. So it is mandatory, to store the common files outside of the track files. The distribution creators have to extract them to into the distribution directory ./files/Race/Common/%N/, where »%N« is the slot number formatted as 3 hex digits (lower case).

Example for slot 77 (=0x04d): ./files/Race/Common/04d/ObjFlow.bin

As of v2.02a of Wiimms SZS Tools, a simple command can extract all Common sub-folders to the correct place in only one step:

wszst xcommon ./files/Race/Course/*.szs -qiod ./files/Race/Common/%N/

Issue of _d files

At the moment, only common files of the standard track are loaded, even if a _d variant of the track exists and will be loaded.

It is not a real problem, because both variants should share the same common files. But changing the draw distance is a reason for different common files.