Template:KCL-Flag-Variant type A

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Table which explains the structure of a type A variant

Variant type A is split in 4 bit-groups. The first and last 2 groups are 3 bits each, and the second group is 2 bits.

group W group X group Y group Z
Amount of bits 3 2 3 3
Function Collision effect Intensity Shadow effect Basic effect

To write this structure down, you can write each group as an octal number, but be aware of the 2-bits group, calculating hex to octal won't work right. A good way to get the right variant in hex is this:

  • write down each group in octal (X can be max. 3)
  • convert each group to binary (X is 2 bits, others 3 bits)
  • write them in the order: wxyz, you'll get www|xx|yyy|zzz in binary, you can convert that number to hex.

Note: hex shows only W right, octal only Y and Z.

So, www in binary controls the collision effect, xx controls intensity, yyy controls shadow effect, and zzz controls the basic effect (such as grass vs. dirt). For example, www represents a binary number of three digits. This 3-digit number controls which effect is used. The same applies to yyy and zzz, except xx can only go up to 3 as there are only 2 binary digits. A complete string of binary numbers (wwwxxyyyzzz in that order) is converted as a whole to hex to get the variant that is entered into the SZS Modifier or CTools.

Another way is using the following formula: Variant (in hexadecimals) = 0x100W+0x40X+0x8Y+Z Of course is this formula basic on the theory stated above.


Collision effect:

Type (octal) effect
0 The road has no special effects
1 The road is trickable
2 You can't drive on this road, you'll be pushed back if you try


Exact values unknown

Shadow effect:

Shadow effect list:

Value (octal) Effect
0 None
1 Variable, determined by posteffect.blight in the course szs file; but very often shadow
2 Variable, determined by posteffect.blight in the course szs file
3 Variable, determined by posteffect.blight in the course szs file
4 Variable, determined by posteffect.blight in the course szs file
5 Variable, determined by posteffect.blight in the course szs file
6 Variable, determined by posteffect.blight in the course szs file
7 Variable, determined by posteffect.blight in the course szs file

These colors can be modified by hex editing posteffect.blight in the course szs file (./posteffect/posteffect.blight).

Basic effect:

Different for each basic flag.